what is plus ?
PLUS is a dermal and sub-dermal heating technology using RF energy to deliver an effective, comfortable and pain-free treatment.
key benefits

Plus has a thermal sensor built into the hand-piece which reads skin surface temperature constantly during treatment, allowing clinicians to acquire desired skin temperature in real-time.

The “cut off temperature” feature reduces RF energy automatically when the handpiece senses that desired temperature is approached, for safe and effective treatment.

Clinical evidence suggests prolonged exposure to temperature above 40°C is advantageous for optimal clinical outcomes.
What can you treat ?

Plus thermal technology is an effective treatment in improving the appearance of the dermis. Plus is safe for use on all skin types and tones.

Plus is beneficial in treatments to multiple areas of the body, including the thighs, knees, hips and buttock, delivering individualized solutions.

Plus technology with built-in temperature controls allow the device to reach clinically-proven optimal temperatures for effective treatments on the abdomen and other areas of the upper body.
clinical studies
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